Club Directory
Toyota Foreword

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Toyota Suppliers' Club (TSC) for giving me the opportunity to pen a few words in this website.
I would like to extend my appreciation to the TSC Committee members for taking this initiative to make the TSC Website another milestone in your efforts to enhance communication among your members and reaching out to potential business partners.
Thanks to your commitment and support, we managed to continue to improve our sales to 92,000 units in 2010 and we aim to maintain this performance for the coming years. Recent events such as the Japan earthquake and Thailand floods in 2011 have strengthened Toyota's resolve and more importantly, tested our processes to its limits. I am pleased to note that we have prevailed against these odds. This augurs well for every member in the Toyota family to meet challenges in the future.
Toyota is synonymous with its uncompromising quality and here in Malaysia, we will continue to strive towards achieving Toyota Global standards. Full compliance is the basic requirement needed for us if we are to export to other countries. To increase our competitiveness, we have taken up the challenge to increase our parts localization here in Malaysia, targeting at a more competitive cost level.
Before I conclude, I would like to urge all of you to strive to meet ASSB's Target Value Activities for Quality, Cost and Delivery through kaizen, value innovation, process improvement and any other related activities. With the New Automotive Policy, it is my sincere hope that you will redouble your efforts to take up the cost competitiveness and quality challenge against our counterparts in ASEAN to ensure our long term joint survival and growth into the future.
Once again, THANK YOU and I wish the TOYOTA SUPPLIERS' CLUB continued success in the coming years!